Customized Lawn Care
Delesco is a small owner-operated company, and unlike large weed control companies, you interact directly with the owner of the company. We work with you to customize our treatment to the particulars of your property and your specific lawn care needs. We come to your property at each application and get to know your lawn.
Weed Control
We at Delesco utilize Fiesta, presently the most effective weed control product approved by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Parks, and Recreation. It is non-toxic for dogs, other pets, and humans.
Fertilizing Programs
Our fertilizer programs give a proper balance of nitrogen, potassium, and micro-nutrients that protect your lawn against summer and winter stress.
Read about what others that have signed up and given us the privilege of improving their property. We take customer care very seriously, and our goal is ensuring you are served in the very best way possible.